O.G. Comics is a comic publishing label I formed in 2009 with writer, Paul Regan. Over four years we made a series of issues, in a variety of styles ranging from self-contained one-shots, to sequential issues and anthologies.

The flagship sequential title was Trenchfoot, of which we completed four from a six issue arc. Here are some galleries of selected works from this period.


Trenchfoot #0

Welcome to the sordid world of John Trenchfoot. In this short opening issue you are given a small slice of the history of, and introduced to the principal players in our miserable little story.

A nasty comic for bad people.

Contains exploding goats...


Mini Stories

Since 2013 I have from time to time made small strip comics with some of the Trenchfoot characters. Also included here is Rubbing the Lamp, a competition entry from 2012.


Character Studies

A few of the misanthropic characters of this dark tale. Some of the most recent Trenchfoot related images, completed between 2013 and 2015.


Page Previews

A selection of lettered and unlettered pages from the regular Trenchfoot issues.